Image Description: This is the close-up of a horse standing in the street. There is a crosswalk seen behind the horse. A crowd of people is standing in the background of the picture. They are waiting for the traffic lights to show the signal permitting them to cross the street. Judging by the number of people and buildings in the far back of the picture a spectator can guess that it is a downtown of a busy city. Back to the horse we can see that it is a healthy clean animal with blinds covering its eyes on sides. Such blinds are used for the animal to follow the required route and never get scared by cars passing by. Such strategy makes it safe to use horses in heavy traffic.
Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: horse, harnessing, harnessry, carriage, street, transport, ecology, ecological, environment, domestic animal, cloven-hoofed animal, labour, work, job, burden, weighting, pressure, traffic, drive, alternative, car, motor