Image Description: A small bouquet of white chrysanthemums in white kettle on a black background. The chrysanthemum is a popular flower, for both giving and showing, and this photograph that outlines its crisp beauty gives us a good idea as to exactly why this is. With pure white petals that boast bright yellow centers, to deep green leaves that speak to the good health of the plant, this entire bouquet of chrysanthemums is hosted in a small white teapot. Between the albinic color of the both the pot and the flower petals, the black background is given the opportunity to really bring the scene into focus, allowing us to admire each individual detail with brilliant focus.
Image category: Home Improvement (Architecture, construction, interior design, plumbing, etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: chrysanthemum, marguerite, golden daisy, crown daisy, teapot, still life, flowers, vase, flower bowl, diy, nature, flora, autumn, decoration, florist, flowering, decor, interior design, home improvement, green, harmony, herbal, herbal tea, herbs, natural remedies, natural remedy, healthy diet, ecological, ecology