Image Description: This tiny bouquet of marguerites looks to have found an unlikely home, but, while there may not be any tea brewed in this pot in the days and weeks to come, the display looks to be well worth the sacrifice. The flowers themselves are standing healthy and strong above the pot, with its deep green leaves fringing the opening in a stylish manner; one leaf is even resting daintily upon the teapot’s handle. What really stands out about this photograph is the feeling of purity it puts across, with the color white dominating everything from the background to the teapot to the delicate flower petals themselves.
Image category: Home Improvement (Architecture, construction, interior design, plumbing, etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: bouquet, flowers, flower bowl, vase, teapot, kettle, chrysanthemum, golden daisy, crown daisy, design, diy, creativity, decoration, flowering, florist, interior design, home improvement, decor, herbal tea, herbs, herbal, alternative medicine, natural remedies, natural remedy, green, creative, adjust, adjustable