Image Description: This old and rare Audi Horch 850 is one of only 432 cars produced by the Audi Horch company. The cost of one of these elegant automobiles was six to seven thousand dollars during their production years of 1935-1939. The Audi Horch 850 had an straight eight cylinder engine at 100-120 horsepower and 4,944 cc; it could go 125 km/h, and it burned 22 liters of gas every 100 km. Over the years, there were other versions of the 850 Horch - the 951, 950, 855, and 853 - but they were all just slightly different adaptations of the original. There were an assortment of pre-war German cars, like Mercedes-Benz and Maybach, but, while they may have been more impressive in the power department, the Horch was thought to be the most elegant.
Image category: Cars (Automobiles, Motor, Auto Service, Driving)
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Tags: Audi Horch 850, audi, horch, automobile, vehicle, carriage, car, cars, trade center, transport, means of transport, old car, first car, rare car, display, driving, drive, exposition, show