Image Description: A beige and black Audi Horch 830BL was manufactured from 1935 until 1940 and top speed was from 71mph to 81 mph. The total weight of the Audi Horch BL was 1950 kilograms. The Horch company brand was first introduced by August Horch in Germany at the start of the twentieth century; he designed the first six cylinder engine in 1904, which hit the production line in 1907. The brand name Audi was registered in 1910. Audi is the Latin translation of the word Horch and it means 'listen'. August Horch was once a production manager for Karl Benz. Benz was also a German designer and is commonly regarded as the founder of gas powered automobiles, and the second name found in the Mercedes-Benz brand.
Image category: Cars (Automobiles, Motor, Auto Service, Driving)
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Tags: Audi Horch 830BL, audi, Horch, car, cars, automobile, motor, rare car, vehicle, transport, means of transport, first car, old car, exposition, display, driving, carriage