Image Description: This brown and black antique car is a DKW F7, manufactured 1937 and in 1938. The DKW stands for Dampf-Kraft-Wagen which means steam-driven car in German. It has a two-stroke, 2-cylinder engine, either 584cc or 692cc. The F7 had three-speed manual transmission, was almost 160 inches long, 58 inches wide, 59 inches high, had a wheelbase of 103 inches, and weighed about 1700lbs. The DKW F7 could reach a maximum speed of 50 km/h to 53 km/h. Unusual for its time, the DKW F7 was front wheel drive. Three were approximately 80,000 F7 vehicles made. It was a replacement for the DKW F5 and was later replaced by the DKW F8.
Image category: Cars (Automobiles, Motor, Auto Service, Driving)
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Tags: Audi DKW F7, audi, automobile, car, cars, vehicle, means of transport, carriage, wagon, old car, first car, trade center, exposition, display, iron horse, horse, transport