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Image Description: Here is the cloudless blue sky with a single short word СGO!Т They say that our life is built up of many tiny details. It is good when you make certain decisions after a long talk with a clever man. Such decisions are properly weighed and thought over. However, sometimes such simple things as the cloud in the form of the СgoТ-word can tell you much more and can have a bigger effect than hours of clever consultations. Most people take such things as signs of fortune. Especially when they have been tortured by the necessity of taking a certain step. They finally lift their eyes to heaven searching for an answer and see this. Lifting eyes to heaven is the last thing that people tend to do when they are ultimately desperate. Subconsciously they believe that help can come from there.

Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)

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Tags: go, sky, blue, clouds, airport, order, command, action, sign, lord, god, will, purpose, aim, decision, code, force, effort, attempt, choice, choose, productivity, note, self-improvement, precurse, portent, career, personal leadership, success, luck, fortune, miracle, wonders, appeal, call, milestone, airplane

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