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Wicket-door - Free photo download

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Image Description: A photograph of an awesome wicket gate entering into an unknown garden area. These wicket gates or doors are usually a personal door, or a small entrance used to provide secondary access to a backyard park or garden. Because the door is so short, it is easier to use in comparison to the work sometimes needed to open a larger gate or door. Sometimes a wicket door would be installed in the corner of a much larger barn door, giving animals and supplies alike easy access to the building’s interior. The wicket door in the picture is made of beautiful old solid wood and has iron embellishments and decorations. The round door pull looks like an antique, but it would still provide a heavy duty way to open and close this very hefty door.

Image category: Home Improvement (Architecture, construction, interior design, plumbing, etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: wicket-door, door, opened, entrance, wooden door, wooden, handle, door handle, round, passway, doorway, welcome, pass, open, gate, wicket gate, yard, backyard, garden, secret, personal, access, park, historic, country, solid, woo, iron, embellishments, decorations, door pull, convenient, personnel , secondary, interior, hefty

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