Image Description: This is a very up close and detailed picture of two arowanas. These fish are an amazing carnivorous animal that will eat practically anything, but they do prefer insects, frogs, shrimp, fish, and pellet foods when in captivity. These pellet foods are specially designed to float on the surface of the water in order to replicate the look of water surface dwelling insects, drawing these huge fish towards them instinctively. Sometimes, if arowanas look too often for food at the bottom of a tank, they will develop what's called dropeye; one eye will permanently droop downwards. This condition is not reversible and can cause many health problems in the fish. These fish are usually quite aggressive and will consume any other fish in the tank that is smaller than themselves, but will do fine if kept in a very big aquarium with other large fish.
Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: arawanas, arawana, fish, fishing, aquarium, aquarium fish, couple, pet, vet, veterinarian, zoo, care, pisces, cold, indifference, opposite, coolness, breaking off, unfriendliness, fish tank, split, misunderstanding, dispute, opinion, divorce, turning away, estrangement, dropeye, reverse, direction, droop, carnivorous, fish pet, captivity