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Strategy puzzle - Free to use image

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Image Description: This combination of six black puzzle elements and the word СstrategyТ placed in the center can be called the strategy puzzle. The puzzle pieces are placed as a rectangular on the white background and the СstrategyТ word is written with a pen between the upper row of three puzzle pieces and the lower one. It can be just something that came to the authorТs mind without any background. And at the same time, it can bring an idea along. What if the author means the following? Each time that you try to put together the pieces of a certain puzzle you should first work out a strategy and only then put all the elements together.

Image category: SEO & SM (SEO, Social Media, Blogging)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: strategy, puzzle, management, planing, business, connection, cooperation, success, partnership, link, leadership, decision, idea, problem, resolution, marketing, organisation, organization, system, action

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