Image Description: This is a short scheme of social media popular nowadays. According to statistics such social media as twitter, pinterest, stumbleupon and facebook prove the most recognizable all over the world. The sure thing is that surfersТ preferences vary from country to country. Moreover, for better convenience each country has own social media for native speakers. The English is the international language but it still requires learning and there are people in the world who cannot master it. Local social media are oriented on such audience. Besides that, interests and problems that people have and face in one country can be absolutely different from those that people have and face in another.
Image category: SEO & SM (SEO, Social Media, Blogging)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: social media, twitter, facebook, pinterest, stumbleupon, community, communication, communicate, conversation, network, structure, management, society, logotype, logo, brand, icon, activity, marketing, blogging, global, technology, business, audience, connection, strategy, seo