Image Description: There is something to be said for the joys of the open road, but sometimes the open road gets taken over by bureaucracy, leaving it to be a little less free than before, as this picture shows. As roads grow, more and more adjustments are needed to allow for the traveling of more and more vehicles, and this can lead to an increasingly complicated setup that requires that you keep your eyes on every inch of the road. Besides the excessive signage, we can also see that the path for this roadway has been blasted through solid rock, another indication of the hard work and constant thought that must go into every road planned, everywhere in the world.
Image category: Cars (Automobiles, Motor, Auto Service, Driving)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: road, road sign, autumn, driving, cars, traffic, journey, driver, drive, travel, traveling, driveway, highway, route, open road, direction, moving, clouds, horizon, vehicles, lane, by car, auto, auto insurance, car insurance, motor, auto service, windscreen, passengers, trip, road maintenance