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Closed road - Free image download

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Image Description: The rough terrain would have most drivers taking this stop sign at face value, but the more adventurous of us may not to be able to help but wonder what lies around the rocky corner! The site itself looks like it may have played host to some form of blasting in recent times, perhaps to make way for a road or the construction of a building. Besides accounting for the cracked and dimpled rock face, the idea of dynamite blasting would also explain the “do not enter” sign; with great explosive power comes a greatly increased risk of collapse or a rock slide, making the area dangerous to anyone who sets foot - or wheels - within its boundaries.

Image category: Cars (Automobiles, Motor, Auto Service, Driving)

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Tags: lifting gate, road sign, do not enter, road, trip, travel, forbidden, security, guard, danger, dangerous, terrain, road signs, road regulations, traffic regulations, road rules, auto insurance, car insurance, signs, post, wheels, adventures, driving, driver, driver's manual, risk, risky, rocky, closed, dead end, no entrance, stop, warning, stop sign

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