Image Description: What do you get when you mix the ultra modern with the age old? A very interesting photograph of a smartphone sitting atop a well-worn chess board. The phone itself has just enough nicks and scrapes to let us know that it is a well-used device, and the chess board’s lightly scraped surface indicates the same, giving the impression of two random household items thrown together to delightful effect. While obviously not directly related in any way, a smartphone would boast the ability to serve as a timer in many cases; perhaps the unseen chess players were timing their moves with a modern clock when they last played.
Image category: Technology (Gadgets, Internet, Internet Hosting, eCommerce)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: phone, chessboard, telephone, communication, connection, call, device, technology, social media, freelnace, work at home, work from home, office, strategy, blogging, blog, mobile, modern, innovations, smartphone, tech, technologies, progress, devices, geeks, development, business, home office, internet, competition, wooden, cell