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Phone - Free picture for blogs

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Image Description: Here is a black phone on a white background. The face of the phone is not seen to understand which model of the mobile phone it actually is. So, it means that the main idea of representing the phone in such way is different from commercial. It lies on its back side showing how thin it is. In the century of so many things like gadgets and essential devices to be carried on all day long it is so much important that those gadgets and devices were tiny and thin. Otherwise, they would stick out of your pocket worsening overall image.

Image category: Technology (Gadgets, Internet, Internet Hosting, eCommerce)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: phone, telephone, device, gadget, technology, smartphone, cell phone, mobile, touch screen, equipment, black, communication, community, communicate, dialogue, conversation, digital, connection, call

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