Image Description: A stately old bird if ever there was one, this owl is looking keenly off in the distance, unaware that it is giving someone a show. The distinctive head is tucked low and the huge eyes are active, probably scanning the distance for potential prey; while he may look harmless enough, that hooked beak is a very deadly weapon. Visible above the head are the “ear feathers†that help to make owls such great listeners, allowing them to catch an audible hint of a rodent on the ground at an incredible distance. Besides helping them to more easily locate food, that excellent hearing is also a huge boon to keeping track of hungry predators.
Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: owl, hunter, predator, bird, fly, zoo, hawk, nature, old, hunt, hungry, prey, deadly, wild