Image Description: Looking like it rests on a quaint street in some sleepy European town, this unique sign alerts drivers that there should be no stopping on this street at any time when it isn’t necessary, presumably because the flow of traffic is equally disrupted on what is likely a narrow lane. To the side of the sign we can see two old, historic-looking buildings, each with a stark white exterior and beautiful, intricate grout work to give them respective patterned looks. Those white buildings help the deep blue and red of the sign itself to stand out even more sharply, making for an interesting contrast that is sure to catch the eye anyone who peeks at it, whether via this photograph, or while cruising the road itself.
Image category: Cars (Automobiles, Motor, Auto Service, Driving)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: no stopping, road sign, road, wall, fence, architecture, old, ancient building, front, ban, block, rule, law, order, obey, dont, no, car, automobile, traffic, traffic code, traffic regulations, traffic rules, driver's manual, driver, drive, vehicle, motor vehicle, street, no stop, prohibited, limitation, prohibition, forbidden