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Mountain goat - Free picture download

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Image Description: Showing us clearly the many characteristics that make mountain goats such regal animals, this photograph gives us a close-up look at a male mountain goat, with the terrain of his choosing in the background. Perhaps most notable are his twisting, intricate horns, serving as testaments to his age and strength - and as a warning to other mountain goats who may attempt to infringe on his territory, mates, and food sources. Adding to the kingly look is his shaggy white outer coat, climbing his flanks and melding into something of a beard, giving him the look of a wise, ancient creature.

Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: mountain goat, goat, mountain, pet, zoo, cattle, horn, horns, chow, ears, regal, stubborn, respectful, close-up, terrain, territory, protect, defend, fight, strength, mates, leader, kingly, shaggy, coat, beard, creature, wise, grey, old, impressive, wild

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