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Motorcyclist - Free picture for blogs

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Image Description: This motorcyclist is in mid-move in this picture, with his right leg standing on the back of the seat and his hands are on the handle bars. This wheelie move is not a new move and can sometimes be caused inadvertently if the motorcycle gets a burst of power. The sport of motorcycle stunt riding, involves an acrobatic dance between rider and motorcycle. Some of the most common stunts are wheelies, burnouts, and stoppies, and they are usually performed on sport bikes; sport bikes are much lighter and more powerful, allowing their riders to more easily manipulate their movements. In any case, these types of tricks require ample protection, and this rider has smartly got his helmet on.

Image category: Cars (Automobiles, Motor, Auto Service, Driving)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: motorcyclist, cycle, cyclist, cycler, motor, acrobat, show, extreme, sport, rider, trick, hobby, tricks, free time, dangerous, challenging, exciting, brave, sport bike, motor bike, skillful, training, shows, performances, powerful, manipulate, protection, ample, helmet, biker

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