Image Description: An interesting photograph, this shot appears to give us a view from within a vehicle traveling along a very busy road, right in the midst of a traffic jam. With no end in sight to the vehicles ahead, a long line of bikes ride along with the traffic on the right-hand side of the road. The cars ahead come in a variety of shapes, makes, and models, but we do see a few interesting things of note, including the face of the driver ahead via his rearview mirror, the large wheelchair sign on the back of that gentleman’s car, and an unnaturally tall vehicle with a bright green hue just ahead; possibly a small bus or large van.
Image category: Cars (Automobiles, Motor, Auto Service, Driving)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: rush hour, transport, traffic, collapse, car, cars, cycle, bike, bicycle, biker, cyclist, cycler, bicyclist, bicycler, rider, drive, driving, traffic jam, invalid, wheelchair person, wheelchair, driver, disabled