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Image Description: A photograph of sugar cubes shaped like card suits. This sweet effect is fairly easy to accomplish from home; all you need are shape cutters, sugar, egg white or liquid meringue, and some food coloring paste. When creating sugar molds, they should be about the consistency of wet sand and can be any color you wish, achieved via food coloring. Be careful not to dissolve the sugar by adding one teaspoon of egg white or meringue liquid at a time, mixing thoroughly. Empty your finished mixture onto a parchment-lined cutting board or baking sheet and spread it out and pat it down with your hand or a spatula. Once flattened, roll over the mixture with a rolling pin to compact. Ideally, the flattened mixture should be as level as possible, at about one quarter of an inch thick, then cut into desired shapes.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: lead, cards, game, play, sugar, casino, las vegas, suit, sugar cubes, refined sugar, diet, food, nutrition, sweet, sweetener, candy, hearts, clubs, spade, diamonds, gambling, creativity, diy, sweet treats, sweet tooth, craving, poker, black jack, preference, bridge

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