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King of diamonds - Free image download

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Image Description: A card deck laying face down and an old coffret for cards with king of diamonds on the cover. Playing cards mean different things to different people, with literally thousands of games able to be played with them, ranging from single player undertakings to games involving 10 or more participants. This photograph gives us a peek at a deck of cards that has been laid face down, with a beautiful old card coffret featuring an etched painting of the king of diamonds waiting to collect them into its confines when playtime has come to an end. The king himself is the most interesting facet of the photograph, with his neatly carved features that look both simply done and incredibly realistic.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: cards, game, play, casino, las vegas, entertainment, gambling business, luck, jam, fortune, gambling, poker, bridge, preference, black jack, solitaire, leisure, leisure time, teamwork, team work, team game, box

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