Image Description: Taking its name from the Roman sword known as the gladius - a favorite among the gladiators of ancient Rome - the gladiolus is a family of striking flowering plants in the same family as the iris. The name comes specifically from the shape of the gladiolus’ flower petals, each growing in a broad length before narrowing down towards their tips, all in a fashion so closely resembling the gladius that it is truly uncanny. Native to Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean region of Europe, the gladiolus makes a beautiful decorative plant, whether in a bouquet, or alone in a vase, and it has become a popular choice for mens’ funerals given its name’s relation to battle and heroism.
Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)
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Tags: gladiolus, bouquet, flowers, flower, yellow, gardening, garden, petals, delicate, plants, iris, shape, close-up, fashion, bloom, blooming, plant, decorative, symblolic, glads, Iridaceae , gladioli, tender, centerpiece, present, fleur, attractive, aroma, flowery, soft, pastel, light, nature