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Fireworks - Free picture download

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Image Description: Fireworks have been one of humanity’s favorite ways to celebrate for hundreds of years, and this photograph of the very same lighting up the night sky in a variety of colors gives us a clear idea as to why this is. Boasting shades of red, yellow, and green, the photographer has caught the fireworks in mid-explosion, just as their contents begin to streak across the sky, all evidenced by the copious amounts of smoke left trailing around the scene. Their size indicates that this is no backyard effort, but more likely only one small part of a show that will continue on for some time, delighting all who have come to take in the sight.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: fireworks, entertainment, celebration, show, lights, party, wedding, conclusion, evening, holiday, festival, fiesta, gala, festivities, public holidays, holidays, celebrations, fun, night show, celebrate, skyrocket, aerial, smoke, lights, pyrotechnics, fireworks show, display, culture, cultural, religious, New Year, explosive, colorful, explosion, burst

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