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Balloon - Free art image

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Image Description: Balloons help us to mark any number of occasions, for kids and adults alike, and that fact alone makes it impossible to know the purpose that this particular balloon is serving. Pinned neatly to a wall adorned with flowery wallpaper of an almost odd color, the balloon is sporting a pink ribbon, perhaps hinting at a girl’s birthday party, but that is as close to a hint as is provided. Entirely white and filled to capacity, the clean-looking balloon looks great against the color of both the wallpaper and the ribbon, and it is probably safe to assume that there are at least a few more similar balloons to be found around the area.

Image category: Entertainment (Fun, Humor, Gaming, Offbeat, Arts)

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Tags: balloons, decoration, party, jam, wallpaper, wedding, celebration, air, birthday party, celebrations, decor, diy, balloon, wall, glued, sticky tape, pearly, white, lonely, holiday, partying, party ideas, party decorations, happy birthday, festivities, fun, children, occasions, pinned, flowery, ornament, ribbon, filled, preparations

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