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Crocodile and Colorado potato beetle - Free image download

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Image Description: These two certainly make unlikely friends, and they serve to remind each of us of the importance of working together! Despite being huge and fierce, this crocodile isn’t scaring off the relatively tiny Colorado potato beetle that is catching a ride on the side of its head. During their time together, the beetle will be kept safe by its monstrous companion, while its appetite for bacteria that could prove dangerous for the larger creature making the beetle a worthy servant to the crocodile, as well. These types of arrangements are common in nature, and a photograph of this unlikely bond speaks volumes, no matter what point you want to get across.

Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: crocodile, Colorado potato beetle, potato beetle, beetle, croc, teeth, zoo, wild, wildlife, nature, anger, monster

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