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Bulb - Free downloadable image

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Image Description: A yellow bulb with the word СideaТ on a brick background. The picture is painted in such a way that you immediately understand that the bulb is on. The whole picture depicts the way ideas usually come to our heads. Like a sparkle on a monotonous background. An idea is always a peak with the highest amplitude. Always! Independently of the outcome and results to which the idea can bring you. And like the bulb in on mode showing the way the idea is the light and the way out from the labyrinth of unsolvable situations which often become a real torture to minds.

Image category: SEO & SM (SEO, Social Media, Blogging)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: bulb, idea, thought, intention, brainstorm, wall, brick, lighting, insight, brightening, afflation, plan, planing, aim, target, brickwork, home improvement, task, concept, genius, brilliance, genial, inspired, inspiration, brilliant, hope, expectation

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