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Box with batteries - Free picture for blogs

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Image Description: This is a box with four AA batteries placed on white background. They belong to the category of goods that are immediately recognized by people of all social layers and ages. In the high technological century one can find devices that work on batteries in each single house. Beginning with toys and finishing with simplest kitchen appliances. The range of goods requiring batteries suggests the range of people using those and dealing with the batteries of AA type. Thus, kids, housewives and men everyday turn on the devices with alternative energy sources. They are comparatively cheap and last pretty long.

Image category: Technology (Gadgets, Internet, Internet Hosting, eCommerce)

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Tags: box, set, kit, batteries, battery, energy, accumulator, la crosse, potential, strain, power, nutrition, food, consumption, charge, electronics, electricity, fuel, technology, alcaline, alternative energy, duracell, storage, progress, reserve, size, aa, double-a

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