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Battery - Royalty free photo

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Image Description: This is a battery of AA size. It is one of the most commonly used batteries. Thanks to its popularity it is easily recognized. AA size batteries are known as the perfect alternative energy sources. Nowadays it is hard to imagine our life without all those devices and gadgets that bring in more joy and amusement every day. However, all those gadgets and devices would never work without batteries of this type. You know, the world market has seen lots of representatives of this kind and many of those left the market due to their poor efficacy and harmfulness. As scientific researches prove the alkaline batteries of AA size will offer their support to people for a long time on.

Image category: Technology (Gadgets, Internet, Internet Hosting, eCommerce)

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Tags: battery, batteries, energy, accumulator, la crosse, potential, strain, power, nutrition, food, consumption, charge, electronics, electricity, fuel, technology, alcaline, alternative energy, duracell, storage, progress, reserve, AA, double-a, size

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