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Checkmate - Free downloadable image

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Image Description: The game of chess is so classic that it could never fall out of favor. The black against white, good against evil, light against dark; these are challenges we all face in most games, and chess is no different. In order to win at the game of chess, one side must place the other’s king in checkmate, meaning that the king is targeted and has no space left to move, forcing the other player to capitulate. There are hundreds of tactics to pursue in a game of chess, but each game is different and everyone has their own style. Favorite pieces are brought out early in the game; some people rely heavily on their knights and rooks, while others favor plays made with their queens or bishops.

Image category: Sports (Football, Golf, Soccer, etc)

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Tags: checkmate, chess, strategy, win, defeat, castle, queen, king, tactics, combination, victory, business, failure, loss, winner, looser, parties, white, black, leaders, leadership, capitulation, success, playing, match, capture, threat , inescapable, opponent, resignation , endgame, players, board game, chessboard, gameboard, checkered, tournaments, chess set , figures

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