Image Description: The left side’s worth of black and white stripes is all we see of the zebra in this photograph. The unique black and white stripes of a zebra make it one of the most distinctive and familiar animals in the world. The plains zebra is the most well-known member of the family, and it is the species that has the highest population. Zebras live in a variety of habitats, including woodlands, grasslands, mountains, savannas, thorny scrublands, coastal hills and, of course, in zoos, these being the places that most people get to see this relatively rare animal. Zebras are a very close relation of horses and asses, but one very important difference is that zebras have never fully been domesticated. They will eat herbs, twigs, leaves, bark, and shrubs, but they mainly feed on grass.
Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: zebra, zoo, striped, black and white, horse, wildlife, wild, nature, stripes, life, optimist, pessimist, optimistic, pessimistic, habitats, equids, plains zebra, herds, patterns, horses, unique, camouflage, zebra crossing, pedestrian crossing, road rules, regulations, changes, difference, flickering, zebroid