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Wedding bouquet - Free image for blogs

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Image Description: Perfection is exemplified in every way here, with a pristine wedding bouquet sitting next to the train of a wedding dress over the hood of a car. The photograph is interesting on a number of levels, not the least of which is the almost hypnotizing reflection of the bouquet seen on the uneven hood of the car. The car in question is a Toyota Camry - a late model, judging by its curves and bright sheen - that has been waxed and polished very recently, likely in order to look its best for the wedding at hand. The background, while blurry, is full of what appears to be early morning sunlight, surely helping to set a beautiful scene for the entire event.

Image category: Family and Personal (Dating, Love, Kids, Parenting)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: wedding, flowers, bouquet, roses, white, reflection, car, family, bride, groom, party, happiness, forever, hood, auto, wedding photography, wedding traditions, ideas, glamour, fancy, relationships, marriage, wedding cermony, shiny, wedding dress, veil, adornment, decor, decorations, ceremonial, love, wedding photos, wedding gown, wedding bouquet, newlyweds

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