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Venus de Milo - Free image download

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Image Description: Venus de Milo in the Louvre museum. Generally considered to be the most beautiful example of Ancient Greek sculpture known to us, the Venus de Milo, also known as Aphrodite of Milos, was created sometimes around the year 100 BCE by an unknown sculptor, though it is sometimes attributed to the artist Alexandros of Antioch. The piece is sculpted from a single piece of marble; while no one can be certain, most scholars agree that it is meant to depict the Greek goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite. Apparently intended as a bust, the Venus de Milo is missing both arms, though the fact that one is neatly cut off below the shoulder, while the other is roughly removed much higher, indicates that damage has occurred.

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Tags: Venus de Milo, beauty, armless, handless, art, sculpture, ancient, masterpiece, Aphrodite, goddess, woman, naked, golden ratio, divine proportion, golden section, museum, gallery, Louvre, exhibition, exposition, paris, france, priceless, precious, treasure

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