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U.S. armed forces recruiting station - Free image for blogs

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Image Description: U.S. armed forces recruiting station. As the American military works to keep up with the many roles it plays around the world, including involvement in active wars, bringing in fresh talent is necessary if the ranks of the world’s largest army, navy, air force, and marines are to be maintained. This mobile recruiting station is only one of tens of thousands examples of their kind to be found across the United States, often in shopping malls and other areas frequented by young people. Approaching passersby in an effort to interest them, military men take the time to expound the positive points of a military career, offering information, and even the ability to sign up on the spot.

Image category: Business and Edu (Education, Personal and Professional Development, Career)

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Tags: army, military, sign, advertisement, billboard, navy, air force, marines, mobile, mobility, portability, transportability, career, security, guarding, protection, war, piece, humanism, humanity, enlistment, recruiting, enrolment, draft, recruitment

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