Image Description: A bouquet of white crown daisies in a teakettle. These white crown daisies look stunning in their out of the ordinary home, a white teapot that is doubling as a unique vase. Taken against a chalky black chalkboard, this photo gives us a taste of sharp contrasts that come together to create a very attractive effect, with whites, blacks, and vibrant colors all standing out to great effect. Assuming that the teapot is well-filled with water, perhaps even with a drop or two of liquid plant food in it, these daisies will be able to live for weeks, staying fresh and beautiful all the while, making them a perfect choice for a centerpiece.
Image category: Food (Recipes, Vegan, Traditional, Regional, Restaurants)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: chrysanthemum, golden daisy, kettle, flower bowl, decoration, marguerite, still life, diy, design, flowering, flowers, florist, herbs, herbal tea, herbal, natural remedies, natural remedy, alternative medicine, home improvement, interior design, decor