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Spider with babies - Free image download

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Image Description: We may think that raising two, three, or even four children is achingly difficult, but every parent seeing this picture should thank the heavens that they don’t have 50 or more babies to watch over, feed, and protect! This mother certainly has her work cut out for her, with tiny clones causing something of a gridlock in the middle of her web, but it appears that she has a meal prepared and ready to serve, at least. It will be several months before the babies are able to spin their own webs and catch food, promising to leave this overworked mom with many sleepless nights ahead!

Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: spider, baby, babies, kids, children, cobweb, spiderweb, net, web, social, social media, reproduction, vibrations, sticky, young, capsule, eggs, spiderlings , silk, chitin, venom, invertebrate, family, spin, overworked, busy mom, mum, raising, youth, generation, clones, protect, parent, care, gridlock

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