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Slice of bread - Free image for websites

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Image Description: This is the classic execution of cutting bread into slices. In the close-up of this picture we can see a slice of rye bread covered with sesame seeds lying down on a wooden board. Thanks to life conditions optimization people are rather used to buying bread already cut in slices. Such bread makes the process of serving the table less time consuming and provides with similar bread slices which look pretty nice at dinner. However, they say that we tend to lose the ties with the nature distancing from touching bread with our hands while cutting it let alone taking it out of a baking oven and smelling it. You should take a break from the whirling busy world of nowadays and do it at least once per year. Bake a loaf of bread of your own and face the magic!

Image category: Food (Recipes, Vegan, Traditional, Regional, Restaurants)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: slice of bread, wholegrain, whole grain, healthy, food, nutrition, diet, rye flour, bakery, baked

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