Image Description: We may not be in a submarine, but this photo certainly takes us close the to sea, and that is most likely where the inspiration for this curious window came from. Popular on the lower decks of boats and submarines, where water pressure demands a small, sturdy window, round windows aren’t typically found on common buildings, making this unique portal even more enjoyable to look at. Bordered in what looks to be an old tire, we get the impression that we’re looking through an outdoor wall towards the sea, with even a couple enjoying the seaside breeze to be seen through it.
Image category: Creativity (Writing, Design, Photography, etc)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: round window, round, window, reflection, sea, summer, insight, horizon, landscape, architecture, search, circle, peek, preview, mirror, molding, plastic, inspiration, holiday, seaside, resort, couple, enjoy, creative, details, simplicity, portal, porthole, marine