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Poultry farm - Free picture download

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Image Description: This photograph gives us a good look at what appears to be a poultry farm, but the only birds in sight aren’t chickens at all, but rather ducks! Whether they’re welcome visitors or brazen daylight thieves, the ducks have found a feeding trough to dig into, and at least half of the 10 ducks in our view look to be having a good meal. In the background, we see a rough wall of concrete remains, perhaps signaling the previous existence of another outbuilding, but a full-sized barn remains on the property. This building is probably where the farm’s chickens live and sleep, and we can only assume that they’re hiding out there at this very moment.

Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: poultry farm, poultry, farm, bird, duck, goose, feed, food, village, grow, community, link-farm, social, farming, feeding

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