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Portcullis - Free image for websites

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Image Description: This formidable portcullis looks like a tough nut to crack as far as gates go, and we can be sure that it was well-used as a defensive installation in its time. Used since ancient times to secure everything from castles to bridges, the portcullis remained a popular technology well into medieval times, serving to protect people within city walls and nobles within fortresses admirably. This portcullis, in particular, looks to be constructed of wood, with iron used to add the scary-looking points to the bottom of each blocking stud. It probably looked a bit more well-used in times past, with recent restoration efforts likely employed to have it act as a tourist draw and art piece in modern times.

Image category: Home Improvement (Architecture, construction, interior design, plumbing, etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: portcullis, castle, security, gate, fortress, protect, protection, barbed, spear, law, firewall, antivirus software, defend, gates, mystery, historical, ancient

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