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Pigeons on wires - Free photo for websites

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Image Description: A group of pigeons sitting on three wires going in different directions around a street lamp in winter. It's like a crossroads (literally or figuratively) where you choose which way to go, which decision to make, or which option to follow. Figuratively it might resemble various social networks: they are all separate, but still connected with each other at least by same people who use them all.

Image category: Green (Sustainability, Environmental issues, Nature etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: green, nature, environment, winter, winter time, snow, snowy, cold, bird, pigeon, dove, group, multiple, several, dozen, wire, community, communication, chat, seo, talk, gossip, social, social media, social activity, weather, sky, dull, grey, street lamp, streetlamp, streetlight, street lights, street, trees, branch

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