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Palm - Free downloadable image

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Image Description: Here is the crosswalk with a red electric palm in its on mode. This is a modern version of traffic lights which proves to be simpler to comprehension than the traditional ones with three colors only. Such traffic lights are usually equipped with sound systems oriented on people who suffer from blindness. The palm is the imitation of a well-known gesture used in everyday life. You are sure to know that when you are trying to stop someone from doing something you instinctively move forward your hand with palm facing that someone. This gesture is one of those recognizable in all nations. Probably, its definitions are a bit varied but in general they are the same.

Image category: Cars (Automobiles, Motor, Auto Service, Driving)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: palm, red, road sign, traffic lights, pedestrian crossing, crosswalk, stop, warning, wait, pause, silence, rules, traffic, security, safety, gesture, attention, street, cityscape, megapolis, break, stopping, obstruction, interruption, forbidding, notice, new york, autumn, spring, winter

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