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Old woman with dogs - Free to use image

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Image Description: If you’ve ever owned a dog, then you surely know that they can be a serious handful - sometimes even more difficult than raising a human child! With that point in mind, you’ll be surprised at this photograph of one little old lady taking a walk with a series of leashes attached to no fewer than six dogs on a busy city street; we can only assume that they are a well-behaved bunch! While many people take dog walking on as a part-time job in order to earn extra money, the fact that all six of these dogs appear to belong to the same breed suggests that they may all belong to this one lady!

Image category: Animals (pets, small pets, animals, wild animals, birds etc)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: dog, pets, woman, old, granny, paris, friend, france, street, city life, dog pets, canine, breeding, breeders, dog breed, walking, pet care, dog care, dog owners, pet owners, grey, leashes, city street, dog training, dog walking, pet animal, domesticated, domestic, animal traffic, friends, pet friends

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