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No trespassing - Free photo for blogs

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Image Description: This is a kind of a fence made of metal wire with the table of Сno trespassingТ. Such tables are the usual thing in the areas with private property. You know, when there is a certain prohibition or limitation there is always a desire to break it. In most cases no trespassing is allowed when someone tries to guard private property. However, there are cases when entrance is forbidden or limited because there is a certain danger hidden behind the fence. Those who fail to know exactly what expects behind this or that fence take a certain risk of getting in trouble.

Image category: Finance and Law (Saving, Personal finance, Economic news)

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Tags: no trespassing, security, entrance, forbidden, forbidding, safety, precaution, caution, care, guard, vigilance, awareness, warning, attention, alert, notice, sign, keep-out, secret, limitation, restriction, private property, protection, defence

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