Image Description: Any bricklayers who happen upon this page may not agree, but the brick is a generally boring entity. Highly useful and amazingly durable, to be sure, but not exactly the prettiest building block to be used in construction. Thankfully, the makers of his beautiful brick mosaic have added a heavy touch of paint to their construction, making for a vibrant stone path that transforms boring bricks into brilliant ones, and giving the people who are lucky enough to tread upon it something to appreciate as they stroll, with browns, reds, and even blues eventually giving way to a more natural stone color as the path progresses.
Image category: Lifestyle (Fashion, Shopping, Hobbies)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: block-stone, multicolored, park, passway, pavement, footpath, path, line, road, way, rainbow, walk of life, career, colorful, cheerful, inspiration, colors, imagination, urban, construction, children, play, mosaic, building block, multiple, walk, decision, decision making, brick, art