Image Description: The train has become a major part of transportation around the world, from its early roots as a steam and coal-powered machine, to today’s subways and intercity rail lines, and the blur of this photo serves as an explanation of exactly why: trains are very fast. This speeding train looks to be within a city, with a typical subway platform reaching out to the edge of the tracks, allowing passengers to easily board as they rush from home to work to shops, and then back home again. With no hint of location, we’re left to speculate as to what city we’re in, but the vagueness of the train reminds us that our need to get from place to place is the same no matter where on Earth we are!
Image category: Lifestyle (Fashion, Shopping, Hobbies)
Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to
Tags: moving, metrotrain, train, metro, subway, motion, movement, speed, station, underground, progress, strategy, blue, traveling, hobby, velocity, high speed, urban, civilization, move, vagueness, change, on the move, rush, time, transportation, rail, machine, power, fast, miss