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Minnie Mouse sculpture - Free picture for blogs

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Image Description: She may be the second most famous rodent owned by the Disney company, but Minnie Mouse is a well-known cartoon character nonetheless, and it is her that is depicted so nicely in this steel sculpture atop a plinth in a flower garden. With one knee bent and hands together, she looks to be dancing to an unheard song, while people in the background move on oblivious to her eternal delight. Not to be outdone, the flowers surrounding the sculpture blaze a deep, sharp red, before fading to a white variety in the background, giving the garden a second worthy reason to be admired by passersby.

Image category: Creativity (Writing, Design, Photography, etc)

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Tags: Minnie Mouse, sculpture, disneyland, park, cartoon, movies, childhood, Minnie, Minnie the Mouse, Princess Minnie, Queen Minnie, cartoonWalt Disney, girlfriend, polka-dotted dress, outfit, famous, character, steel sculpture, flower garden, dancing, creativity, flowers, cute, visual arts, steel, amusement

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