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Icing lamp - Free art image

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Image Description: A icing light is a symbol of an everlasting memory, and is usually found on the graves or tombs of loved ones. The one pictured is bronze with four sides of glass, with one glass pane opening in order to allow the candle to be lit, also allowing the candle to be seen from any direction, but still protecting it from the wind. This icing light has a cross on top and a heavy base to prevent it from tipping and breaking, but they can come in a variety of styles and sizes. A candle flame can represent many things in religious ceremonies and is commonly used in worship. In Christianity, a candle is representative of the light of God, and it is usually lit to accompany a prayer.

Image category: Lifestyle (Fashion, Shopping, Hobbies)

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Tags: icing lamp, lamp, candles, grave, tomb, cemetery, memory, remembrance, remember, funeral, rip, icing light, tradition, death, everlasting, memories, candle, ceremony, paryer, burial, remembering, interment, the dead, culture, beliefs, respecting, funerary, funerary customs, funerary rites, rites, ritual, monument, honor

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