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Heart - Free photo download

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Image Description: This interesting tabletop piece strikes at first as some form of romantic pendulum, with a heart hanging by a slight metal chain within a vertical circle. Inside the gold heart floats a soft pink gem, or perhaps a piece of colored glass; whatever its material base, the color of the stone shares its own pinkness with that of the background that it magnifies, making for an altogether lovely look reminiscent of romance, deep feelings, and perhaps St. Valentine’s day in particular. Whether this odd item is simply a piece for the eyes, or is intended to suit some specific purpose, such as acting as a paperweight, is unclear, but it is beautiful, just the same.

Image category: Family and Personal (Dating, Love, Kids, Parenting)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: heart, love, lovers, dating, feelings, family, romance, romantic, novel, red, decoration, crystal, decor, decorative, symbolic, relationships, relations, date, women, men, devotion, affection, tabletop, souvenir, remember by, pink, jem, gift, valentine, lovely, reminiscent, lover, feeling, St. Valentine's, beautiful, cute

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