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Forks - Free image download

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Image Description: If we all didn’t know better, we may think that these forks were in love, enjoying a passionate embrace with their significant other! Matching exactly, obviously coming from the same set, these two forks have been positioned face to face, with the tines of the top fork sliding perfectly between the tines of that on the bottom, giving the distinct impression of a well-fitted kiss. Loving illusions aside, the photograph is notable for the sharp effect of the shiny stainless steel of the forks as it contrasts with the rough wood of the countertop that they rest upon, making it a lesson in the wonder of raw materials, as well.

Image category: Food (Recipes, Vegan, Traditional, Regional, Restaurants)

Ownership Status: You can download this photo, but please link back to


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Tags: forks, repast, meal, feast, table, table layout, eat, food, diet, love, food lovers, gourmet, cuisine, fine cuisine, dieting, cutlery, kitchenware, tines, utensil, kitchen utensils, cooking, eating, trident , dining, embrace, recipes, delicious, weight loss, diet plan, meals, pair, face to face, stainless steel, steel, countertop, etiquette

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